
Here is a very mean horoscope, based on a very funny paper from 1970. Don't say I didn't warn you. javascript isnt working right now but that will change.


Arduino, a wannabe-engineer's bread and butter (bread-board and butter, if you will). Here's where I put my experiments with it. Updates go from newest to oldest.

8/27/23: Today I worked with the ultrasonic sensor, and got it to track the distance of my hand from the sensor:

ultrasonic screenshot

8/15/23: the cardboard tube is too heavy for the small motor to push with the fan :[. The fan went, at least.

6/14/23: Breaking! Breaking! its summer now so I can start building stuff again instead of being a slave to finals. Yay!That means i can finally go around testing out my stuff. first project, get the lcd monitor working!

smashing success! the lcd monitor works, and i made a functioning clock! or at least i assembled one. I downloaded the code from the arduino project hub and made some modifications, adding in a brightness control with a potentiometer so the screen doesnt get fried. its looking good. Now that i have dusted off my knowledge of coding, it is time for what i really want to do: building a robot!!! im going to use the motor and fan that i have to build a self sustaining car.